Tuesday 12 November 2013

non disclosure agreement

Non-Disclosure Agreement / Confidentiality

This agreement was made on the _________ 2013 and involves these 2 parties

(a)surtur designs has certain confidential information such as drawings, concepts and samples which are considered to be confidential and propriety
(b)surtur designs is willing to disclose the confidential property on these terms
(c) The recipient has agreed to accept the confidential information from surtur designs on these terms. In consideration of the mutual covenants set forth in this agreement, in which both parties acknowledge and agree to the following terms
1. For the purpose of this agreement
(a) “affiliates” means, in the case of recipient, any controlling corporation, controlled by or under control this may be direct or indirectly, with the recipient. Also in the case of surtur designs shall include the companies and freelancers involved.
(b) “Confidential information” means only the information that relates to the product, models and the samples, design concepts  etc. disclosed to the recipient by or approved by surtur designs
(c) “Purpose” means to explore areas of innovation, styling concept or designs in relation to artistic or commercial products both 3d and 2d
2. Recipient hereby undertakes and agrees
to keep all information concerning the designs, samples, models etc. confidential. And may not at any time disclose information to any third party, or any party thereof. The recipient may disclose information received if required by court to do so IF the recipient sends a not to surtur designs telling them of such a requirement.
(b) The recipient may not use the confidential information or any part received henceforth for any purpose other than the final purpose
3. Ownership of confidential information belongs to surtur designs and no others unless agreed otherwise on a later date in which surtur designs will write a new contract

4.the confidential information involves surtur designs products and therefore has no obligation to be expressed by _______ unless surtur designs agrees otherwise 

5.how long the agreement lasts until the end of the contract and all other products made by surtur designs do not belong to ________________

 a contract like this would have to be signed before any design process begins 

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