Tuesday 24 September 2013

3 things i base desings on

here are three things i base my designs on
elder futhark runes, nearly all my work incorperates these runes somewhere on it
secondly the viking  in gimli manitoba canada, it is a 15-foot tall Viking statue. He stands by Lake Winnipeg as a monument to the first European explorers in Canada.

and lastly the dean dime razorbackback explosion
the reason i try incorperate these three images is because firstly the runes mean a lot to me personally and i like the way that they give an ancient feel to the piece.
secondly the statue because you can choose just na small section of it and it will help you design something.
and lastly the dean razorback because i love the look of the graphic and the body shape so it helps to give an extreme feel to your work.

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